IA-RICTAT First Aid Training (Pre-requisite)
Please choose from a variety of First Aid courses available for student and qualified therapists.
Practical First Aid at Work (Required by RICTAT)
First aid at work courses provides people with the knowledge and practical competencies to preserve life and minimize the effects of injury and illness during a medical emergency.
First aid provision is generally required up until the point that professional medical help arrives. In non-life-threatening situations, first aid training enables trained employees to provide treatment for minor injuries. Non-life-threatening can be defined as injuries that would otherwise receive no treatment or do not need treatment by a healthcare professional.
First aid for businesses aims to preserve life, prevent worsening, and promote recovery. It enables an employee to assume the first aider's role in the workplace.
Uniquely, the hybrid option offers an innovative blended approach to first aid at work, whereby one day is delivered as a first-aid e-learning module and the rest is delivered in two classroom-based days.
First Aid training is governed by Qualsafe Awards. Qualsafe Awards is one of the largest Ofqual recognised Awarding Organisations in the UK.
PHA Mental Health First Aid - Approved by the Public Health Agency
Research by the Mental Health Foundation 2015 found 92% of us would stop and help someone injured in a road traffic accident, but only 51% would offer to help someone crying in public. The survey also found that a quarter of people would not know what to do or say if someone close to them at home or work had worries about their mental health.
This 2-day specialist course has been devised to increase participants’ knowledge and confidence to provide first aid and support for people experiencing mental health problems at home and at work. Recognised and approved by the Public Health Agency, the training educates and delivers the message that mental health problems are everybody’s business, affecting neighbours, friends, colleagues, relatives and ourselves.
Delivered as two days classroom-based learning or Virtual Live Classroom.